Helpful Forms and Links to Related Sites

League Finder - Check here to see if you eligible to play in Madsion Little League

Proof of Eligibility - explanation of participation eligibility and required School Enrollment or Residence documents

School Enrollment Form - required for new players who attend school in Madison but do not live in Madison

Joint Waiver, Release and Consent - signed at the time of registration (included with registration form)

Sport Parent Code of Conduct - signed at the time of registration (included with registration form)

Injury Report Form - for use by coaches to report injuries sustained at MLL facilities or events

Little League Baseball HQ in Williamsport, PA - the governing body of Madison Little League

Little League NJ District 1 - we compete against other teams in this District in the initial rounds of the Little League World Series Tournament

National Alliance for Youth Sports (NAYS) - America's leading advocate for positive and safe sports and activities for children, offering programs and services for everyone involved in youth sports

Madison Girls Softball - Madison LL welcomes both boys and girls, and there is also a (separately-run) softball program open to girls only in grades K-8 in the Madison and Harding school districts